주간묵상_ 2025-01-24(금)까지
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마태복음 4:12-17 [개역개정]
12 예수께서 요한이 잡혔음을 들으시고 갈릴리로 물러가셨다가
13 나사렛을 떠나 스불론과 납달리 지경 해변에 있는 가버나움에 가서 사시니
14 이는 선지자 이사야를 통하여 하신 말씀을 이루려 하심이라 일렀으되
15 스불론 땅과 납달리 땅과 요단 강 저편 해변 길과 이방의 갈릴리여
16 흑암에 앉은 백성이 큰 빛을 보았고 사망의 땅과 그늘에 앉은 자들에게 빛이 비치었도다 하였느니라
17 이 때부터 예수께서 비로소 전파하여 이르시되 회개하라 천국이 가까이 왔느니라 하시더라
Matthew 4:12-17 [NIRV]
12 John had been put in prison. When Jesus heard about this, he returned to Galilee.
13 Jesus left Nazareth and went to live in the city of Capernaum. It was by the lake in the area of Zebulun and Naphtali.
14 In that way, what the prophet Isaiah had said came true. He had said,
15 ‘Land of Zebulun! Land of Naphtali! Galilee, where Gentiles live! Land along the Mediterranean Sea! Territory east of the River Jordan!
16 The people who are now living in darkness have seen a great light. They are now living in a very dark land. But a light has shone on them.’
17 From that time on Jesus began to preach. ‘Turn away from your sins!’ he said. ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’
Matthäus 4,12-17 [HfA]
12 Als Jesus hörte, dass man Johannes den Täufer gefangen genommen hatte, zog er sich nach Galiläa zurück.
13 Er blieb aber nicht in Nazareth, sondern wohnte von da an in Kapernaum am See Genezareth, im Gebiet von Sebulon und Naftali.
14 Das geschah, damit sich erfüllte, was Gott durch den Propheten Jesaja angekündigt hatte:
15 »Das Land Sebulon und Naftali, das Land am See und jenseits des Jordan, das Galiläa der heidnischen Völker,
16 das Volk, das in der Finsternis wohnt, sieht ein großes Licht. Hell strahlt es auf über denen, die im Schatten des Todes leben und ohne Hoffnung sind.«
17 Von da an begann Jesus zu predigen: »Kehrt um zu Gott! Denn Gottes himmlisches Reich ist nahe.«