주간묵상_ 2025년 1월 31일(금)까지
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마태복음 4:18-25 [개역개정]
18 갈릴리 해변에 다니시다가 두 형제 곧 베드로라 하는 시몬과 그의 형제 안드레가 바다에 그물 던지는 것을 보시니 그들은 어부라
19 말씀하시되 나를 따라오라 내가 너희를 사람을 낚는 어부가 되게 하리라 하시니
20 그들이 곧 그물을 버려 두고 예수를 따르니라
21 거기서 더 가시다가 다른 두 형제 곧 세베대의 아들 야고보와 그의 형제 요한이 그의 아버지 세베대와 함께 배에서 그물 깁는 것을 보시고 부르시니
22 그들이 곧 배와 아버지를 버려 두고 예수를 따르니라
23 예수께서 온 갈릴리에 두루 다니사 그들의 회당에서 가르치시며 천국 복음을 전파하시며 백성 중의 모든 병과 모든 약한 것을 고치시니
24 그의 소문이 온 수리아에 퍼진지라 사람들이 모든 앓는 자 곧 각종 병에 걸려서 고통 당하는 자, 귀신 들린 자, 간질하는 자, 중풍병자들을 데려오니 그들을 고치시더라
25 갈릴리와 데가볼리와 예루살렘과 유대와 요단 강 건너편에서 수많은 무리가 따르니라
Matthew 4:18-25 [NIRV]
18 One day Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee. There he saw two brothers, Simon Peter and his brother Andrew. They were throwing a net into the lake, because they were fishermen.
19 ‘Come and follow me,’ Jesus said. ‘I will send you out to fish for people.’
20 At once they left their nets and followed him.
21 Going on from there, he saw two other brothers. They were James, son of Zebedee, and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee. As they were preparing their nets, Jesus called out to them.
22 Right away they left the boat and their father and followed Jesus.
23 Jesus went all over Galilee. There he taught in the synagogues. He preached the good news of God’s kingdom. He healed every illness and disease the people had.
24 News about him spread all over Syria. People brought to him all who were suffering different kinds of illnesses. Some were suffering great pain. Others were controlled by demons. Some were shaking wildly. Others couldn’t move at all. And Jesus healed all of them.
25 Large crowds followed him. People came from Galilee, from the area known as the Ten Cities, and from Jerusalem and Judea. Others came from the area across the River Jordan.
Matthäus 4,18-25 [HfA]
18 Als Jesus am See Genezareth entlangging, sah er dort zwei Männer: Simon, der später Petrus genannt wurde, und dessen Bruder Andreas. Sie waren Fischer und warfen gerade ihre Netze aus.
19 Da forderte Jesus sie auf: »Kommt, folgt mir nach! Ich werde euch zu Menschen machen, die andere für Gott gewinnen.«
20 Sofort ließen die beiden Männer ihre Netze liegen und gingen mit ihm.
21 Nicht weit davon entfernt begegnete Jesus zwei anderen Fischern, den Brüdern Jakobus und Johannes. Sie waren mit ihrem Vater Zebedäus im Boot und brachten ihre Netze in Ordnung. Auch sie forderte Jesus auf, ihm nachzufolgen.
22 Ohne zu zögern, verließen sie das Boot und ihren Vater und gingen mit Jesus.
23 Jesus zog durch Galiläa, lehrte in den Synagogen und verkündete überall die rettende Botschaft, dass Gottes Reich nun begonnen hatte. Er heilte alle Kranken und Leidenden.
24 Bald wurde überall von ihm gesprochen, sogar in Syrien. Man brachte alle Kranken zu ihm, Menschen mit den unterschiedlichsten Leiden: solche, die unter schrecklichen Schmerzen litten, Besessene, Menschen, die Anfälle bekamen, und Gelähmte. Jesus heilte sie alle.
25 Große Menschenmengen folgten ihm, wohin er auch ging. Leute aus Galiläa, aus dem Gebiet der Zehn Städte, aus Jerusalem und dem ganzen Gebiet von Judäa liefen ihm nach. Auch von der anderen Seite des Jordan kamen sie.